Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Is Guccifer 2.0 a Pseudohacktivist Puppet Working for Shawn Henry of CrowdStrike?

Earlier today, Guccifer 2.0 announced via his Twitter feed (@Guccifer_2) that he would accept and respond to direct messages.

Here's the DM I sent him:
Hi Gucc! I hope you are the real deal, but I worry that you may be a pseudohacktivist puppet working for Shawn Henry of CrowdStrike the same way Sabu turned out to be a pseudohacktivist puppet working for Shawn Henry of the FBI. Can you allay my concerns? (If you don't remember LulzSec and AntiSec, I can send you some articles.)
I'll update this post if s/he a) responds and b) gives me permission to share. Note that Guccifer 2.0 has already indicated that not all questions will be answered and that answers will appear on the Guccifer 2.0 blog.

Update #1 (12:52 p.m. EST): Guccifer 2.0 has replied to indicate that s/he will be answering the "most popular" questions he receives via DM, which suggests that if there is a question s/he doesn't want to answer s/he can simply claim that not enough people asked questions in that vein. I therefore encourage anyone who doubts the authenticity of a hacker whose "leaks" to this point have consisted mostly of information that is a matter of public record to DM @Guccifer_2 with iterations of the question I posted above.

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